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Our vast experience and expertise is only the beginning of what we offer. Beyond that we stay abreast with industry trends and changes. Our adaptability and agility ensure that we take advantage of industry opportunities and guide our clients through unforeseen challenges. A network of strategic partners and associates is also available to be accessed. This combination of strategies is the expertise that really matters.
Alex Herdt has extensive experience and proven competency in establishing, growing and managing international communication agencies globally. For over 20 years he has managed the marketing campaigns of international blue chip brands and advertising agencies worldwide. CEO of Ogilvy & Mather in Central and Eastern Europe; CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi in Shanghai; and Account Manager for Young & Rubicam in New York, are just several significant roles Herdt has filled, among others in China, Prague, Central and Johannesburg. Also a skilled entrepreneur and a creative thinker, Alex has co-founded an innovative IT startup enterprise. He is an inspirational team player and motivational leader, Alex has the experience to make a success of any brand – anywhere.
Alex Herdt, Frankfurt, New York, Prague, Shanghai, Vienna, Central and Eastern Europe, Johannesburg.
Delano Noah has always been committed to the growth of clients businesses through creative application and visual arts. Delano is a vibrant creative that passionately believes that he can change the world, one design at a time. The right brand image is a prerequisite for success. He is a dedicated creative with a prime focus on graphic design and brand building strategies. Delano prides himself in his ability to create award-winning design solutions that embrace various target audiences.

